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The Parish of St. Francis de Sales
Parish Center 180 Laurel Street, Bristol, CT 06010 Tel 860-582-8169 Pastor Reverend Philip R. Schulze Giving to St. Francis De Sales

Requesting a Sanctuary Candle

Why Do We Light A Candle?

Jesus said: “I have come into the world so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.”

Lighting A Candle Is A Prayer

When we have gone it stays alight, kindling in the hearts and minds of others, the prayer we have already offered; for the sick, the sad, the suffering, for those who have died, for the peace of the world and for ourselves and prayers of thankfulness too!

Lighting A Candle Is A Parable

Christ’s light to others, it burns itself out. Christ gave himself for others…he calls us to do the same

Lighting A Candle Is A Symbol

Lighting a candle is a symbol of love and hope, of light and warmth…our world needs them all.

To reserve a sanctuary candle in memory or in honor of a loved one, please contact the Parish office at (860) 582-8169 or email

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